So here is where it starts, there have been a few false dawns with this blogging thing but I'm finally going to make a go of this one. I guess that I now understand a little more about what makes a successful blog and I think the key is passion. You have to have a passion for what you are writing about. I'm hoping that this blog will help me hone my writing skills and also show people what I'm passionate about. You'll find that football (I will never call it soccer) is one of these passions that comes to the front but I reckon I'd like to talk about other stuff too.
Just to give you a little background so you can put things into context. I'm in my late twenties, originally from Sheffield (city in the north of England) and I've been living in Sydney, Australia for the past 2 and a half years and very much enjoying life down under. Before moving to Sydney I lived in London for 4 years after graduating from university in northern England.